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Career Mind Mastery: Learn How To Get Your Dream Job

Getting your dream job is certainly not an easy task. It's a good thing Tom Cassidy is here to give you the secrets on how to easily transition from your current career to make way for the path to your new one. Interview tips, personal branding, cultivating connections and making all of those things stick are some of the things you will master after listening to these recordings. Enjoy your new dream job!

  1. How The 13x4 Gets You What You Want

  2. The Science Of Career Transition Part 1

  3. The Science Of Career Transition Part 2

  4. The Gateway Focus

  5. The Impression Of Increase

  6. Think

  7. Interview Success

  8. Marketing

  9. Personal Branding

  10. Cultivating Connections

  11. Give First

  12. Follow Up

  13. Technology Tools

  14. Attitude

  15. Clarity

  16. Being Proactive

  17. Making It All Stick

  18. Toms Career Design Seminar In Austin - Part 1

  19. 021 Toms Career Design Seminar In Austin - Part 2

  20. Diego Talking About The Truth V. Whats Helpful

  21. Growing Your Network Part 1

  22. Growing Your Network Part 2

  23. Growing Your Network Part 3

  24. Growing Your Network Part 4

  25. Growing Your Network Part 5

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